What is your challenge?

Create value that makes a difference

Let us build products and services that are desirable, viable and feasible, with a sustainable value proposition at their heart.

Evoke your inner innovator

When you are in the middle of a complex challenge, you may need someone to open a door for you even where you thought there were walls.

Build an innovation culture

Learning happens all the time within a company, but sometimes you may want to inject new thoughts, methods or tools in the texture that may induce positive change within smaller teams or the in the whole company.

What is Ideapruner?

Ideapruner is your partner in building meaningful products and services that can balance profitability with sustainability.

Pruning is the art of balancing between growth and yield -  ideas and ventures need the same care.

An initial idea, in most cases, is based on well-established experience or on a strong gut-feeling of what an important problem is and how it should be solved. From that standpoint it can grow into thousands of directions and you need to carefully cut out those options that do not have a potential and leave the ones that are promising.

That is how idea pruning works.

To grow a prosperous product or service from an initial idea is a long way to go but there are many good tools that can help you along. And an experienced mind can always come handy.

That is why Ideapruner came to life in the first place. I would like to share what I have learned in the last twenty years in research, innovation and idea development and cultivate this knowledge to work also for you.