Ideation and concept design

Do you need someone to design, facilitate and evaluate ideation workshops, brainstorming sessions or concept design sessions? Let us talk!

The best ideas are borned in the company of diverse minds. You can get the best result from ideation sessions if people with diverse mindsets are involved, the problem is well defined, participants are highly motivated to solve them, they are allowed and encouraged to express themselves freely,  and also have domain specific  knowledge.

One of the most common flaws in an idea development process is that ideation and brainstorming happen before the exploration phase and before problem statements are framed. Brainstormings are fun, results are usually spectacular - or at least numerous and give the misleading feeling of a quick and easy solution. But the thing is that it is not worth brainstorming on an undefined problem as the results will be fake and will not give a good solution.

Researchers usually define creativity as being both new and task-appropriate. For something to be creative, it must also answer the right question.

When we have the right problem and the right people at the same place, there are many techniques that can channel the creative energy into the right direction. Visualization of any kind is key. It is very important that during the brainstorming phase we don’t judge - every idea is equally welcomed and important. You can never know which one will inspire the really big hit.

During ideation possibilities proliferate, narrowing down options will follow later.

After narrowing down options according to well defined challenge-relevant aspects we usually end up with a few strong ideas that can be elaborated as concepts and prototypes that will be tested and iterated based on feedback.