:: Research :: Pros and cons of the startup studio model

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Pros and cons

Pittfalls to avoid and advantages to build on

The most common definition of a startups studio or venture studio is that it is a company that builds companies. More precisely: it creates start-ups, repeatedly, by providing human and financial capital. (In the academic world the term ‘parallel entrepreneurship” is used for this model). 

Venture studios specialize in early-stage company building: idea and problem stages of creating a startup, early stage experiments, prototyping, that is a critical part of founding any startup. 

In an ideal case venture studios effectively combine the disruptiveness of a startup with the necessary stability of a team and resources to build companies

that require decade long roadmaps before profitability and deft maneuvering of public and private opportunities.

But is it that simple?

The full story is underway, meanwhile do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in the details of this project.